notes.txt These are working notes to help keep track of changes or things that should or could be done to MX2. #@MX2 file and program directorys There are two new directory that MX2 needs. The first is called \MX2SPOOL this is created when the spooler program begins for the first time. The second is called \MX2 these should be where all MX2 executable programs should be. All script file should now look at \MX2 for MX2 programs that they need. #@mlimit Need a way to limit the amount that any one program can see with a malloc(-1). I could set up a trap handler to control the malloc but I will first try to allocate small 2 byte memory blocks to break up the memory block. #@crashs When MX2 crashes disk sectors that were being allocated for a file that did not close can be lost. Use of a program like "TUNEUP" can fix and get back the "LOST" sectors. Also some auto programs can cause problems with MX2 I use GEMBOOT.PRG and the mitchtron CACHE.PRG. I have found that the L-CACHE.PRG causes lockup and random aborts. #@xmodem Need to take a look to see why the xmodem routines are messing up later I/O with the te command and CLI redirection to the AUX port. #@menu I have started to play with a backgound gem menu bar for the CLI. The program MENU sets up a menu bar that can be run in backgound with the "sys bp 1 menu" command. The program 'km' will terminate the MENU program. Although it works it also totally screws up gem. It's safer run as just a regular program but it you don't care about running another gem program try it. #@WaitProcess MX2V220 Procedure that waits for a memory location to change it's value. WaitProcess(VAR id: INTEGER; VAR location: ADDRESS; VAR value,mask,msec: LONGCARD); This procedure puts the currentprocess to sleep then compares the contents at 'location' against 'value AND mask'. If they are the same then the process wakes up and is put in the scheduler ready list to be run. msec is the time the process will wait for the value in milliseconds if msec is set to 0 WaitProcess will never timeout. ** NEED TO ADD TO JSM2 syscall.def #@submita&submitm Fixed submita and added submitm to utility programs. I forgot to use the xbios call to get the IOREC for the RS232 buffer. @#mx2.acc If you want to switch out of a GEM program back to the ALT cli with the ALT m hotkey you MUST turn off the MX2.ACC first. If you don't the AES will get very mixed up. When back in the GEM program you can turn the MX2.ACC back on to allow normal background program operation. This guy is causeing some problems I may have to redesign it again. @#spint control of spooler, network and xmodem spint 0 controls the spooler spint 1 controls both netaux and netmidi spint 2 controls the xmodem send and receive xr = xmodem receive 'xr -crc' or 'xr -chk' xt = xmodem send 'xt -crc' or 'xr -chk' xs = xmodem status 'xs' xa = xmodem abort 'xa' @#spints Spints in MX2 are similar to signals in UNIX. They are procedures that can be started by issueing a Trigger(x) call. A spint can also carry a memory location that can be used for shared memory between processes. The source files spooler.mod, sq.mod, lp.mod and killlp.mod are simple examples. spooler.mod uses the EnableSpint call to setup spint 0 to a procedure sq and a pointer to the variable spintcmd. sq.mod, lp.mod and killlp.mod use the SpintInfo and Trigger calls to communicate with the spooler.prg